Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder caused by genetic and environmental factors, which results in insulin insensitivity, insulin deficiency, and impaired biological function. The disease has become a critical health concern worldwide owing to its high prevalence and related disability and mortality. Since it is a complex, chronic illness requiring continuous medical care with multifactorial risk-reduction strategies beyond glycemic control, ongoing diabetes self-management education and support are critical to preventing acute complications and reducing the risk of long-term complications. Significant evidence exists that supports a range of interventions to improve diabetes outcomes.

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) services provide information and skills for people to manage their diabetes and related conditions. It has been shown to:

  • Lower A1C levels.
  • Prevent or reduce diabetes complications.
  • Improve quality of life.
  • Lower your medical expenses.


You’ll learn how to eat healthy, be physically active, monitor blood sugar levels, take medication, problem solve, reduce risk for other health conditions, cope with the emotional side of diabetes, and improve your health and quality of life. DSMES is led by a diabetes care and education specialist who works with you to develop a management plan that fits your lifestyle, beliefs and culture. It is designed to tailor to your individual needs, goals, and life experiences and is guided by evidence-based standards. The program can be taught in a group or individual setting and can be offered in person, online, or by phone.

It’s important to receive DSMES services when you’re first diagnosed. There are three other times DSMES can help you manage your diabetes that include at your yearly follow-up visits with your doctor, if health complications arise, and when changes in your care occur.

CHAMP | February Lifestyle, Nutrition Management Topic

Talk to your doctor to refer you to the only evidenced-based bilingual English and Chinese Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) program in New York City that is culturally and linguistically tailored to Chinese Americans!

CAIPA DSMES provides support, knowledge, skills, and practical strategies to help people with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes face their daily challenges, keep blood sugar in control, and prevent long-term complications.


Up to SIX (6) free individual or group education sessions, available in-person or remotely!
Services include:


  • Comprehensive assessment with Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist to develop your individualized diabetes educational plan
  • Diabetes Pathophysiology, Treatment Options, and Healthy Coping
  • Healthy Diet Planning and Monitoring
  • Physical Activity Guidance and Reducing Risks
  • Medication Management and Problem Solving
  • Follow-up assessments on biometrics and goals with ongoing planning and community support resources


Topics include:

  1. Understanding diabetes and diabetes treatment: Diabetes is a complex and serious disease and managing it every day can be challenging. Understanding diabetes basics and treatment can provide you with knowledge to live well with diabetes.

  2. Healthy coping: Diabetes can affect you physically and emotionally. It’s natural to have mixed feelings about your diabetes management and experience highs and lows. The important thing is to recognize these emotions as normal and take steps to reduce the negative impact they can have on your self-care.

  3. Healthy eating: Having diabetes doesn’t mean you have to give up your favorite foods or stop eating in restaurants. In fact, there is nothing you can’t eat. But you need to know that the foods you eat affect your blood sugar.

  4. Being physically active: Being active is not just about losing weight. It has many health benefits like lowering cholesterol, improving blood pressure, lowering stress and anxiety, and improving your mood. Physical activity can also help manage your blood sugar levels.

  5. Taking medication: There are several types of medications that are often recommended for people with diabetes. Insulin, pills that lower your blood sugar, aspirin, blood pressure medication, cholesterol-lowering medication, or several others may work together to lower your blood sugar levels, reduce your risk of complications, and help you feel better.

  6. Monitoring: Checking your blood sugar levels regularly gives you vital information about your diabetes management. Monitoring helps you know when your blood sugar levels are on target and can help you make food and activity adjustments so that your body can perform at its best.

  7. Reducing your risk: Having diabetes puts you at a higher risk for developing other health problems. However, if you understand the risks, you can take steps now to lower your chance of diabetes-related complications.

  8. Problem solving: Everyone encounters problems with their diabetes management; you can’t plan for every situation you may face. However, there are some problem-solving skills that can help you prepare for the unexpected — and plan for dealing with similar problems in the future.


Education sessions are provided by Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists and trained health coaches.

To learn about our programs, contact our specialist at
929-259-0173 or fill out the form.

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