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How You Can Support Your Patients Who Smoke

CAIPA Health Article

In 2016, 9% of the Asian population in New York who smoked were less likely to use NRT, compared to 20% of the White population, 24% of the Black population, and 26% of the Hispanic/Latino population in New York.

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Health care providers can help all their patients who smoke by providing them with important information about tobacco treatment, regardless of their readiness to quit. Certain tobacco treatments can help patients manage their withdrawal symptoms and reach their personal goals, such as staying smoke-free when at home, at work, or with family. Treatment may include nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), such as patches, gums, lozenges, nasal sprays and inhalers, and oral medications, such as varenicline and bupropion SR.

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene encourages providers to:


  • Ask patients about their smoking history and offer tobacco treatment to all patients who smoke. Even for patients who are not ready to quit, NRT can help them reach their personal goals and improve their chances of quitting in the future. For a quiz that patients can take to assess how ready they are to change their tobacco use, visit For guidance on your patients’ quiz responses, visit



  •  Share information with patients about tobacco treatment, including which medications their insurance plans can cover and other ways to get medication.


  • Follow up regularly with patients who smoke to provide continuous counseling and medication support.


  • Refer patients to resources for additional coaching support.
    • Patients can call the Asian Smokers’ Quitline at 800-838-8917, Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to midnight, or visit org.
    • Patients can also call the New York State Smokers’ Quitline at 866-NY-QUITS (866-697-8487) or visit com.


These tools and resources can help you support your patients who smoke, no matter what their goals are. If you have any questions, please email:


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年度體檢 預防性篩查 | Annual Checks and Screenings

年度體檢 預防性篩查(Annual Checks and Screenings)是守護健康的第一步。預防性篩查是指在沒有明顯症狀的情況下,定期進行健康檢查,以便能早期發現潛在的健康問題或疾病。 什麼是預防性篩查?為何那麼重要! 預防性篩查是指在沒有明顯症狀的情況下,定期進行健康檢查,以便能早期發現潛在的健康問題或疾病。這些篩查旨在預防疾病發生或在疾病早期階段進行干預,從而提高治療效果和存活率。 年度體檢 年度體檢是您能更好掌握和改善健康的重要機會。根據您的健康保險計劃,您可每年或每12個月進行一次免費的年檢。醫生會評估結果調整治療方案,助您有效地管理慢性疾病並提升健康。如果您行動不便,若家中有經認證的電子血壓計,您可通過遠程醫療進行年體,並向醫生報告您的血壓值。 乳腺癌篩查 乳腺癌是女性癌症死亡的第二大原因。當乳腺癌在早期被發現時,存活率高達99%!所有健康計劃都為40歲及以上的女性提供免費的乳房X光篩查。乳房X光篩查是一種常規的乳腺癌篩查,並且是安全的,能幫助早期發現乳房組織中的異常。 直腸癌篩查 直腸癌是美國第二常見引起死亡的癌症,也是少數可透過篩查預防的癌症。多數直腸癌始於結腸或直腸內壁的異常生長(息肉)。隨著時間的推移,不斷生長的息肉轉變成癌症的風險會很高。篩查測試可發現息肉,以便息肉在變成癌症之前將其切除。 兒童/青少年年度體檢 年度體檢對於評估兒童及青少年的身體、情緒健康和社交發展尤為重要。根據您的健康保險計劃,0-30個月的嬰兒、3-21歲的兒童和青少年可每年或每12個月進行一次免費的年檢。檢查有助於提升健康,並促進他們在學業和日常生活中的表現。此外,也建議母親在嬰兒六個月內進行產後抑鬱症篩查。 子宮頸癌篩查 所有女性都有患子宮頸癌的風險,特別是30歲以上的女性。子宮頸癌的主要病因是人類乳頭狀瘤病毒 (HPV),透過HPV檢測和/或抹片檢測可早期發現子宮頸問題。這些檢測均可在婦科診所進行。 您今年做年度體檢了嗎 ? 今天就致電您的醫生安排檢查或篩查預約。篩查的年齡和頻率因個人風險因素或有所不同,請諮詢醫生瞭解適合您的篩查方案。部份健康保險計劃在您完成年度體檢或篩查後會贈予獎勵或禮品卡,您可以諮詢保險計劃瞭解詳情。 Image source: Freepik

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